Trees are a major asset for our city and play an important role in making Palmerston liveable and attractive, with many social, economic and environmental benefits.

Our urban forest includes trees in parks and along streets within the developed public spaces of the municipality.

We undertake annual programs that maintain, protect and enhance our urban forest, in line with our Preserving our Urban Forest Policy.

Street Tree Maintenance Program

Trees grow quickly in our tropical urban environment and require specialised care and management.

Regular tree maintenance is essential to ensure their longevity, as well as the safety of our road and footpath users.

Upcoming Street Tree Maintenance works:

Suburb Start Date End Date
Gray Monday 6 January 2025 Monday 13 January 2025*
Rosebery Monday 6 January 2025 Monday 13 January 2025*

* Subject to work required

Report a Tree

If there is a tree in a public space that you think requires an assessment, please Report the Issue, or contact us to discuss.

Tree Planting Program

Our Tree Planting Program involves strategic planting of trees to green, cool and shade the municipality, as well as improve urban biodiversity.

To have trees planted on your verge or within a public open space, please submit your application via the form below.


Please complete the following form with as much details as you can to help us process your request in a timely manner.

Please note that we take your privacy seriously and will not disclose your details to any third party without prior permission.

Please Refer to the Preserving Our Urban Forest Policy on Councils webpage prior to filling in this form.

Customer details
Contact details
Residential address (where tree is to be planted)
Are you the property owner? (If 'No' please attach owner's written consent)
Number of trees to be planted is according to Council discretion.
Once planting has been undertaken, I/we agree to provide sufficient water to the tree/s planted for successive dry season months (36) through April-Dec. I also agree to the ongoing maintenance of the tree/s to be undertaken by Council contractors if required.
I understand that Council Officers will inspect the site to determine if the proposed area is suitable for the selected tree. I further understand that Council will only plant the most suitable tree (s) according to the available room on the verge, in keeping with the existing streetscape, and in relation to existing services.
Upload attachments to support application
One file only.
30 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx.