We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

Project status:

Council is committed to improving the safety of our road networks and provide a safer environment for motorists and pedestrians around schools.

Project information

In July 2018, Council announced its roll-out program of installing Electronic Speed Limit Signs (ESLS) at schools in Palmerston to alert drivers to the 40km/h speed limit during school times.

ESLS appear to have a strong and long-lasting influence on driver observance of vehicle speeds, with studies identifying speed reduction being more effective the longer the speed feedback signs are at the location.

Cost and duration

$360,000 over 24 months

$260,000 - committed from City of Palmerston
$100,000 - funding secured from the Northern Territory Government Capital Grants Program

Current status

The final stage of the project was completed by 27 January 2020 in time for commencement of the new school year.

Council has now installed permanent ESLS in the school crossings of Bakewell Primary School, Durack Primary School, Moulden Park Primary School, Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School, Driver Primary School, Good Shepherd Lutheran School, Gray Primary School, MacKillop Catholic College, Rosebery Primary School, Woodroffe Primary School, Zuccoli Primary School and Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School. 

This now completes the provision of speed limit signs at all existing school crossings. Next Council will be considering the installation of speed limit signs at the Palmerston College (Tilston Avenue, Driver) and the Palmerston Christian School (Waler Road, Marlow Lagoon) in the 2020/21 financial year following discussions with those schools.