We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

Project status:

City of Palmerston is the youngest and fastest growing city in the Northern Territory and we need to plan for our future. Council is working hard to achieve its vision to make Palmerston 'A Place for People' and build up our community. We are planning for new opportunities to grow and improve Palmerston in the long term for the people who work, live and play here.

The Northern Territory Government has announced the expansion of the boundary of the City of Palmerston, to include unincorporated land to the north of Palmerston, including Wishart Business Precinct, Tivendale and Elrundie. The final municipal boundary makes good planning sense and aligns with the Northern Territory Government’s Planning for a Vibrant Future document, which states that the City should eventually grow to support more than 70 000 people. 

This is a great opportunity to make Palmerston bigger, more diverse and deliver more services and community events for residents over the long term.

On this page:

What does this mean for Palmerston?

This means more people can experience what makes Palmerston so great – our lifestyle, engaging community events and an exciting future.

Palmerston prides itself on being vibrant, diverse, and welcoming.

We are a Council that engages with residents and listens to their needs so we can work together to build up our community.

We build this sense of community at our events and by delivering services to improve our lifestyle so people enjoy living in Palmerston, such as recycling and rubbish collection, free wi-fi and parks to visit. 

Over the long term, it means City of Palmerston will have more resources to fund important community projects and infrastructure and grow and improve its services. 

Expanding the municipal boundary of our City fits within Council’s and the region’s vision for long term financial sustainability and growth. 


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Next steps

As of 1 July 2022, the Northern Territory Government has expanded the boundary of City of Palmerston to include unincorporated land to the north of Palmerston, including Wishart Business Precinct, Tivendale area, Kirkland Road and Elrundie area.

The Northern Territory Government is providing the unincorporated land to City of Palmerston following an extensive review of the municipal boundary and consultation with key stakeholders, including landowners, in 2021.

City of Palmerston is ready to hit the ground running, and is applying its existing planning, governance frameworks, organisational structures and service delivery to best meet the needs of the new land. 

We are experienced in growing our city and have successfully partnered with developers and businesses to create vibrant residential and industrial precincts.

City of Palmerston is working to provide avenues for businesses and industry to thrive, and to ensure Palmerston is a key centre for growth in the Territory.

What does it mean for me?

Palmerston residents and ratepayers

For current ratepayers and residents, the current rating strategy will stay the same and the level of service will stay the same.

In the future and as Palmerston increases in population, Council may need to consider the need for extra electorate wards to ensure fair representation for our new community members. At this stage this will remain the same.

Palmerston markets food truck

New businesses

City of Palmerston is committed to growing business areas, attracting investment and creating jobs.

We are committed to delivering quality services and infrastructure in a sustainable and sensible manner.

The expansion of City of Palmerston’s municipal boundary fits within Council’s and the region’s vision for long term financial sustainability and growth. 

We know that investment in infrastructure stimulates economic activity in Palmerston and the region.

The key socio-economic factors that differentiate Palmerston from its nearby capital city is its:

  • young and growing population
  • higher incomes
  • growing labour force
  • strong economic growth.

It is also cheaper to do business in Palmerston, with lower rents, while our average wages and personal income are growing.

New businesses will:

  • come under a council that invests in amenity and infrastructure
  • be included in long term plans for growth and activation
  • have a council that is committed to growing business areas, attracting investment and creating jobs.


The expansion of City of Palmerston’s municipal boundary fits within Council’s and the region’s vision for long term financial sustainability and growth. 

To realise the critical potential economic benefits of unincorporated land, it should be managed by a capable and trusted governing body whose current service provision and long term plans align to the needs and appropriate use of the land. 

City of Palmerston successfully partners with developers and businesses to create vibrant residential and industrial precincts, creating a cohesive, thriving Palmerston. 

We know that investment in infrastructure stimulates economic activity in Palmerston and the region, and are committed to creating more jobs and opportunities for local businesses.

We are a proven and capable partner for Northern Territory Government and Australian Government agencies. 

City of Palmerston is financially sound and has a balanced rating strategy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happened?

The Northern Territory Government has given the unincorporated land to the north of Palmerston, including part of Berrimah, Elrundie, Tivendale and Wishart Business Precinct to come under the City of Palmerston. The changes will take place on 1 July 2022.

Why is the Northern Territory Government handing this land to City of Palmerston?

The municipal boundary review aligns with the Northern Territory Government’s Planning for a Vibrant Future document, which states that the City should eventually grow to support more than 70,000 people.

The expansion of City of Palmerston’s municipal boundary fits within Council’s and the region’s vision for long term financial sustainability and growth.

What does this mean for Palmerston residents and ratepayers?

For current ratepayers and residents, the current rating strategy will stay the same and the level of service will stay the same – nothing will change. Your bins will still be collected twice a week and we will still maintain our beautiful parks and lakes.

Over the long term, it means City of Palmerston will have more resources to fund important community projects and infrastructure and grow and improve its services. 

Will rates increase?

For current ratepayers and residents, the current rating strategy will stay the same and the level of service will stay the same – nothing will change.

Use the rates calculator to see how your rates look under the City of Palmerston.

What happens to the residents of Northcrest?

The land identified as Northcrest will remain as unincorporated land.