We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

*Infringement payments are unable to be processed online at this time. Please call 8935 9922 to complete payment of infringements. 
Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue.


There are seven payment options which are listed below:

Direct debit
Online payment with credit card
Credit card over the phone
Mail your cheque payment
In Person at Council's office

Australia Post


Direct debit payments

City of Palmerston offers the following Direct Debit options for your convenience:

  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • Monthly
  • Per instalment date
  • Annual on the first instalment date

This payment option is a debit transaction transferred directly from your nominated bank account. Please see terms and conditions of Direct Debit Service outlined on the direct debit request form.

Only registered Direct Debit Customers can use this payment method. To register complete and return the direct debit request form to Council:
PO Box 1 Palmerston NT 0831
f: (08) 8935 9900
e: rates@palmerston.nt.gov.au

Online payment with credit card

MasterCard or Visa payments may be made via the internet payment area (available 24 hours), there is a $10 minimum payment amount.
Please note: You require your Rates Reference number, which can be found at the bottom of your rates notice. Should you require assistant please do not hesitate to contact us on (08) 8935 9961 (during business hours).



Contact your participating Bank or go online to make this payment directly from your cheque, savings or credit card account. To use BPay quote the Biller Code of 49023 and your reference number as indicated next to the BPay logo on the front of your rate notice.
Please note: The BPay reference number is a unique number connected to the property not to your person. Should you require assistant please do not hesitate to contact us on (08) 8935 9961 (during business hours).


Credit card over the phone

MasterCard or Visa payments may be made by phoning 1300 722 729 (available 24 hours), there is a $50 minimum payment amount.
Please note: You require your Rates Reference number, which can be found at the bottom of your rates notice. Should you require assistant please do not hesitate to contact us on (08) 8935 9961 (during business hours).



Make your cheque or money order payable to City of Palmerston and cross non-negotiable. Mail it with the bottom remittance section of your rate notice to:
City of Palmerston, PO Box 1, Palmerston NT 0831
Please note: A receipt will not be sent unless requested. If paying by mail please allow sufficient time for payment to reach the Council on or before the due date. Postal payments are processed on the day of receipt. If received after the due date, penalty interest will apply.


In person

Payments can be made at the City of Palmerston office and Palmerston Library during business hours.
Council Office: Civic Plaza, 1 Chung Wah Terrace, Palmerston
Monday-Friday: 7:30am-5:30pm
Closed on public holidays

Palmerston Library: Goyder Square, The Boulevard, Palmerston 

Monday to Thursday: 9am-6pm

Friday: 10am-8pm

Saturday: 10am-1pm

Sunday: 1pm-4pm

Closed on public holidays

Payment can be made by:
EFTPOS - all debit cards accepted (no cash out facility)
VISA or MasterCard


Australia Post

Pay full amount or the current instalment in person at any Australia Post retail outlet. For locations call 13 13 18 or visit Australia Post. Please note: You can only pay the current instalment amount as noted on your notice or the full amount for the current financial year.