City of Palmerston is proud to present its first Local Economic Plan developed in collaboration with the Northern Territory Government. The 10-year Plan challenges everyone to work together to make Palmerston a destination city for employment and a place where businesses are encouraged to set up and grow. 

The Local Economic Plan details a high prevalence of small and medium business in Palmerston and highlights the importance of business and economic support systems in the city. It also shows the many advantages in conducting business in a vibrant municipality such as Palmerston.

The Local Economic Plan provides current businesses with the confidence for the future, attracts and encourages development and new business, and aids in providing an understanding of the economic priorities of Council for the long term.

Read more about the Palmerston Local Economic Plan 

Palmerston Local Economic Plan - Factsheet
Palmerston Local Economic Plan - Full document

What does the Local Economic Plan mean for your local business? Watch the video below.