Durack Communty Art Centre

City of Palmerston is running its first Creative Palmerston Artist Residency! The pilot program has been developed to support local artists and creatives in the Performing Arts and provides a space to develop their professional goals and practice.

The program gives the residency access to the Community Room at Durack Community Arts Centre for four (4) weeks and receives $9,000 to support their Residency.

Successful application: Collective Group – Audio Video Disco. The group of 10 are a group of working artists dedicated to creating contemporary, visceral, and relevant work in the NT. They are skilled in theatre, dance, technical skills, design, and music.

As part of the program they will be hosting community workshops and a performance.

Check out the details regarding their upcoming workshops here. Information regarding their performance to come.

Interested in getting to know who is involved in the group? Read their bios here.

APPLICATIONS closed Monday 29 May 11:59pm.