Prescribed burns are carried out in Palmerston and throughout the Northern Territory at the end of the wet season to reduce the potential spread/scope/size and impact of dangerous fires during the dry season.

Upcoming Prescribed Burns

Prescribed burning will occur at the following locations, pending favourable weather conditions.

  • Roystonea Avenue & Owston Avenue, Rosebery between 12pm - 9pm on 17 June 2024.
  • Hobart Crescent & Guilder Circuit, Johnston between 12pm - 9pm on 18 June 2024.
  • Lind Road & Prosser Street, Johnston between 12pm - 9pm on 20 June 2024.
  • Roystonea Avenue & Inverway Circuit, Farrar between 12pm - 9pm on 21 June 2024.

The most up-to-date advice will be available here and on our City of Palmerston Facebook page.

Health Advice

  • Close windows and doors
  • Bring in your washing
  • Set your air-conditioner to ‘recirculate’
  • Turn on your headlights and pay close attention to the road when driving

If you have asthma or other breathing ailments:

  • Avoid physical outdoor activities in the area
  • Follow your asthma action plan and seek medical attention if needed
  • If conditions are likely to adversely affect your physical or mental health, please consider alternate arrangements during this period

Call 000 incase of Emergency

General Information

Prescribed burns are controlled fires deliberately set and monitored by trained professionals under specific weather and vegetation conditions. These fires are used to protect the community by reducing the risk of bushfires, manage vegetation, and promote ecosystem health.

Prescribed burns are used for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfires by removing excess vegetation and dead fuel
  • Maintaining healthy ecosystems by promoting new growth and removing invasive species
  • Restoring habitats for wildlife by mimicking the natural fire regimes that some species require for survival
  • Supporting cultural practices by managing landscapes in ways that are consistent with traditional Indigenous land management practices.

More information is available at:


(Outcome 1.1 and 1.2 of Council's Sustainability Strategy)