Council is committed to providing quality parks, gardens and open spaces for the benefit of our community. We understand that the verge alongside your property is something you may wish to enhance to provide shade, habitat for wildlife and increase the visual appeal of your property and street.

Verges are the grassed areas on each side of a road situated between the kerb (or finish of bitumen) and property boundary. They vary in size and may have a footpath running through it.

Maintaining your verge

The program is currently closed for 2023, due to the commencement of the wet season. It will re-open for the 2024 Dry season. All applications will still be considered during this time. We appreciate your continued support in the greening of our City.

Council encourages a sense of ownership and ongoing maintenance of verges by the adjoining owner, along with pruning any overhanging vegetation from your property and on your verge.

For the safety of pedestrians and drivers passing by, your garden and plants on your verge should not restrict pedestrian access or line of sight for drivers or pedestrians.

To assist with the maintenance of your verge, Council provides an annual verge assistance program. As part of this program topsoil and grass seeds will be delivered to your property for free. This program is available in the dry season each year, with applications now closed for the 2023 season.

Important notice:

  • The program is available to residences on a "one-off" basis only and cannot be supplied to residences who have already accessed this program.
  • Property owners will be responsible for the spreading of topsoil and seed, unfortunately Council is unable to provide labour assistance with this.
  • Topsoil will be delivered directly to the nature strip. The seed will be delivered separately together with an information sheet on establishing your lawn. It is a requirement that residents undertake every effort to establish and maintain their verges once the materials are supplied.
  • It is a requirement that pedestrian access must be maintained at all times.

To apply for the program, please complete the online form below

Overgrown verges and properties

If they are not appropriately maintained, verges and properties can often appear overgrown and unsightly, with the potential to harbour vermin. 

Council conducts an ongoing long-grass program to ensure owners keep their blocks clear of long grass and other vegetation to reduce fire hazards and to assist in preserving our urban amenity. 

If there is a property you are concerned about, Council encourages you to lodge a service request regarding an overgrown verge or long-grass issues within a property by contacting (details) and providing the following information:

  • address of the verge/property
  • a description of the excess (i.e. grass, rubbish)
  • describe the amount of excess (i.e. if vegetation – height, if rubbish – quantity)
  • is the property occupied or unoccupied?
  • where on the property is the problem occurring (i.e. front yard, back yard)
  • have you seen undesirable wildlife (e.g. rats or snakes) on the verge/property? 

Council will then follow up with property owners to ensure that the property is properly maintained. Penalties may apply if owners fail to adequately maintain their property.

To lodge a service request please click here and complete the form. 

For more information on planting or maintenance of your verge please contact us on (08) 8935 9922.

Verge assistance program application

Contact details
Verge details
Which material you require.