The piece was originally created for International Women’s Day) 2020, postponed due to the current world issues.

Denique's Story

Whilst painting it, it let me further reflect on the meaning and further cement what I had created this for. 

It is about finding peace within yourself and within the world, it is quite spiritual with her third eye and sun behind her. She is portrayed as feminine and beautiful yet has a strong and powerful presence as if she is watching over you. Sometimes with all the chaos and exterior distractions we need to take a step back, breathe and find that peace within us. The colour palette was chosen as a way to be inclusive of all women, with purple skin instead of restricting her to one skin type and the bright surreal nature to set the scene. By removing hair and dominant features it prevented her to appear as one ethnicity or race and furthermore be inclusive of all the beautiful women we have on this earth. 

To follow her journey as an artist go to - Deniques Designs Instagram Page