There is no doubt that owning a dog is rewarding. Council acknowledges the benefits of dog ownership and encourages dog owners to be responsible for their pet.

Dog owner responsibilities include:

  • Annually registering your dog with the City of Palmerston
  • Providing adequate food, water and shelter
  • Providing exercise and mental stimulation to deter boredom
  • Provide a safe environment for the dog with suitable fencing
  • Arranging annual vaccinations from your vet
  • Preventing heartworm and other intestinal worms
  • Controlling external parasites like fleas and ticks
  • Seek veterinary advice if the dog is sick or injured
  • Desexing the dog if not used for breeding to prevent unwanted litters
  • Walking the dog on a lead at all times unless in a designated off-lead area
  • Cleaning up after your dog when exercising in a public place
  • Providing training for the dog so that it does not become a nuisance to other 


Palmerston dog owners guide
Toys for your dogs
Dogs and thunderstorms

Emergency planning for your pets
Is your dog safe with people?

Starting your puppy off on the right paw

Why dog's bark

Separation anxiety 

Dog rehoming 



For lost or found animals you can also search the RSPCA website. The site also has information on caring for your pets. Find out about caring for your pets, adopting a new pet, making a donation or volunteering at the RSPCA.