• Council reserves the right for use of asset lights during a previously booked period without notice.
  • All applications made are subject to joint approval by the Chief Executive Officer and the Mayor. Where the Chief Executive Officer and the Mayor do not agree, the request will be presented to Council.
  • Requests will be considered for a minimum of one night and up to seven continuous nights.
  • Approval granted is a one-off approval. A new application is required for subsequent events or campaigns.
  • Interested charities and not for profit organisations must submit their interest to use the lighting system via the online application form at palmerston.nt.gov.au and can do so up to 12 months in advance.
  • Approved bookings may be charged the external costs incurred in relation to awareness campaign lighting. These costs may include late changes to colours or fees for complex programming requests where Council is obliged to pay third parties to enable the service to be delivered. Applicants will be advised of these costs by Council in response to the style of lighting requested.
  • Coverage on Council's social media channels is subject to availability.
  • City of Palmerston will accommodate all lighting requests on a case by case basis.
  • Dates may be blocked out due to maintenance.
  • Council reserves the right to cancel any asset lighting bookings at their discretion.
  • Lighting can accommodate standard colours however, where a specific colour or shade is not available, Council will strive to provide a similar ‘near’ colour.