Song of the Year
City of Palmerston

Song of the Year

‘So ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in.’
― Leonard Cohen

It is rumoured that musician Leonard Cohen took up to a year to write each song. Other artists have written whole songs in an hour, while some songs come to people in dreams. How long does it take you to write a song? Have you ever tried?

What do you want to say? Is there a story waiting to be told? Or are beats more your thing?

City of Palmerston invites you to submit your ORIGINAL SONG into the Song of the Year competition.

The winner receives a production package with Skinnyfish Music worth $5000 (to develop, produce, record and mix your original song), and $500 cash. They also have an opportunity to perform (or play the recording of) their winning song at the Palmy Street Party on Saturday 20 July 2019. The runner up will receive $200 cash and production advice to the value of $1000.

Open to Palmerston-based songwriters up to the age of 18.

Any style of music and collaborations are both welcome.

Get your entries in by Sunday 7 July 2019.

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