With the environment, greenhouse gases and global warming 'hot topics' around the world, recycling is one of the easiest things you can do at home to help save the planet!

The benefits of recycling are endless, but some examples include:

  • Reducing the amount of rubbish sent to landfill
  • Decreasing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Reducing your carbon footprint
  • Reducing dependence on non renewable resources

Council makes recycling simple - just make sure you put the right items in the right bin! The yellow lidded recycling bins are collected fortnightly from houses, or weekly from unit complexes. 

What can I put in my recycling bin?

  • Cans - steel, aluminium and empty aerosols
  • Glass bottles and jars
  • Milk and juice cartons
  • Newspapers, cardboard, magazines
  • Plastics 1-7 (look for the recycle symbol with #1-7 in the middle)

Make sure you wash all bottles, jars and cans before placing them in your recycling bin. Only one unwashed jar can contaminate an entire load, making it unable to be recycled. Do the scrunch test. If soft plastics easily scrunch up in your hand then DON'T place them in the recycling bin.

If you have any questions about recycling in Palmerston, including what can be put in your recycling bin, contact us on (08) 8935 9950 or search by item using our Recycling and Waste Guide.

Download our 'Recycle right poster' here

Image: Kerbside collection

Learn more about recycling and contamination

Check our free module and expland your knowledge. 

Find out what days your recycling is collected here.

Recycling Programs

Council is committed to sustainable living.  We will therefore endeavour to provide you with a list of recycling opportunities within in the city to discard your unwanted goods and remove these products for becoming landfill:

Totally Work Wear (36 Georgina Cres, Yarrawonga) will take unwanted work boots and transform them into rubber matting to reuse in their stores.   
p: 8931 0501 
w: www.totallyworkwear.com.au

Palmerston and Regional Basketball Association (PaRBA) accepts donations of sports shoes, in children and adult sizes for players/children in need of shoes. Donations can delivered to the Palmerston Recreation Centre during the Youth Drop-in Sport session held Monday-Thursday from 3.00pm-5.00pm and Fridays from 6.00pm-8.00pm.    
m: 0400 548 416
e: Parba.nt@outlook.com


Recycling Near You
Clean Up
Clean Away