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Council working to improve school safety
Palmerston school students and parents will soon have a safer trip to school, with the commencement of Electronic Speed Limit Signs (ESLS) at local schools.
Winners of the 2018 Early Bird Draw drawn on Tuesday 9 th October were from the suburbs of BAKEWELL and
New Deputy Mayor begins new role
Palmerston Alderman Mick Spick has commenced his new role as the City’s next Deputy Mayor following the conclusion of previous Deputy Mayor Damian Hale’s five-month tenure in the position.
Pop-Up Dining in Palmerston
City of Palmerston is seeking community feedback on the proposal for introducing pop-up dining into Palmerston’s public spaces.
City of Palmerston is calling on community members to join a Community Reference Group to assist in the development of the City’s first Rating Strategy.
Palmerston residents will soon be able to plant fruit and vegetables in sections of local parks and reserves, following the release of Council’s draft Edible Pocket Garden Policy for public comment.