The Northern Territory Electoral Commission is an independent government agency responsible for the conduct of Local Government Elections.

A Local Government General Election was held on Saturday 28 August 2021. Elections are held every four years, with the next one set to be announced. 

The tenth elected City of Palmerston Council is as follows:


  • Athina PASCOE-BELL

Elected Members

  • Danielle EVELEIGH
  • Mark FRASER
  • Amber GARDEN
  • Damian HALE

To find out more information about local government elections, how to enrol to vote, how to vote, when to vote and how to nominate as a candidate go to the Northern Territory Electoral Commission website.

Local Government Election Candidate Information Session

In the lead up to Northern Territory Local Government elections, Candidate Information Sessions are conducted by City of Palmerston, along with the delegates from Northern Territory Electoral Commission and Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet.

It provides an opportunity for those interested to learn more about the role and purpose of local government; the role, responsibilities and expectations of a Councillor, the electoral process and the potential challenges as an Elected Member. Candidate information kits are provided to those that attend. 

For any additional information, please email