There are seven ways to pay your rates which are listed below.

Choose from weekly, fortnightly or monthly payments.

This payment option is a debit transaction transferred directly from your nominated bank account. Please see terms and conditions of Direct Debit Service outlined on the Direct Debit Request Form.

Only registered Direct Debit Customers can use this payment method. To register, complete and return the Direct Debit Request Form to:

PO Box 1 Palmerston NT 0831, f: (08) 8935 9900, e:

MasterCard or Visa payments may be made via the internet Payment Area (available 24 hours), there is a $10 minimum payment amount.

Please note: You require your Rates Reference number, which can be found at the bottom of your rates notice.

Contact your bank or go online to make this payment directly from your account. Quote the Biller Code of 49023 and your reference number as indicated next to the BPay logo on the front of your rate notice.

Please note: The BPay reference number is a unique number connected to the property.

MasterCard or Visa payments may be made by phoning 1300 722 729 (available 24 hours), there is a $50 minimum payment amount.

Please note: You require your Rates Reference number, which can be found at the bottom of your rates notice. Should you require assistant please do not hesitate to contact us on (08) 8935 9961 (during business hours).

Make your cheque or money order payable to City of Palmerston and cross 'non-negotiable'. Mail it with the bottom remittance section of your rate notice to: City of Palmerston, PO Box 1, Palmerston NT 0831

Payments can be made at Civic Plaza and City of Palmerston Library during business hours.

Civic Plaza: 1 Chung Wah Terrace, Palmerston, NT 0831

City of Palmerston Library: Goyder Square, The Boulevard, Palmerston, NT 0831

Pay full amount or the current instalment in person at any Australia Post retail outlet. For locations call 13 13 18 or visit the Australia Post website. Please note: You can only pay the current instalment amount as noted on your notice or the full amount for the current financial year

Key information about paying your rates is listed below.

Like the convenience of managing your bills online? Sign up to receive your rates notice electronically. With two options available, EZYbill and BPay View, simply choose what works for you.

Signing up for electronic rates notice is simple and can be done at the click of a button. Once you're signed up, you will be able to view, download and pay your rates notice online.


Sign up to EZYbill and get your rates notice delivered straight to your email.

Receiving your rates notices electronically will make it easier and more convenient for you to manage your payments, save paper and reduce waste.

Your rates notice will be accessible on any electronic device (phone, tablet, laptop, desktop); anytime, anywhere, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Register here

BPay View

View, download and pay your next rate notice via internet banking. Once logged in, locate the BPay View section and follow the steps to add or register a new BPay View biller. To receive your rates notice through BPay View enter the following details:

Biller Code: 49023
Reference Number: use the Bpay Reference Number from your previous Rate Notice
BPay View Key: use the BPay View Key from your previous Rates Notice

Receiving your rates notice

Once registered with BPay View, your next rate notice will be sent electronically only, and your financial institution will notify you when this occurs (via email, SMS or internal internet banking messages - depending on notifications available/activated with your financial institution).

The electronic copy of your notice will look exactly the same as the printed version, and you can also choose to print and save your own copy if desired.

BPAY® and BPAY View® are registered trademarks of BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518

If an instalment is not paid on or before the due date, charges that remain unpaid will become overdue and will be known as "Rates in Arrears".

Rates in Arrears will be subject to daily interest in accordance with Section 245 of the Northern Territory Local Government Act.

If you are having difficulties paying your rates by the due dates, contact the Rates Team to discuss alternative arrangements to avoid possible debt recovery action and costs:
p: (08) 8935 9961

If there is no payment/contact, recovery of the debt will be initiated through a Debt Collection agency. Legal expenses incurred by City of Palmerston will be recovered from the ratepayer to the full extent permitted by law.

In accordance with Section 244 of the Northern Territory Local Government Act it follows, that if a ratepayer decides to pay by instalments and defaults in payment of an instalment by the due date, all remaining instalments become immediately due and payable.

Under Section 255 of the Northern Territory Local Government Act, unpaid rates become a charge on the land to which they relate.

If rates have been in arrears for at least 3 years, and an overriding statutory charge securing liability for the rates has been registered for at least 6 months, we may sell the land.

All related costs and liabilities to City of Palmerston will be recovered from the proceeds of sale.

Our Rate Concession Policy outlines assistance for ratepayers for rates/charges levied on their principal place of residency/principal place of living or institutions that fall under Section 248 Local Government Act.

Concessions include:

  • Remission of interest due to:
    • Administrative reasons, errors or omissions which caused or significantly contributed to the failure to pay rates in a timely manner.
    • Proven Financial Hardship (by approved Financial Counsellor) and maintained feasible payment schedule.
  • Determent of rates due to Proven Financial Hardship (by approved Financial Counsellor).
  • Waiving of Rates, Charges or Legal Fees due to Proven Financial Hardship (by approved Financial Counsellor) or Administrative errors caused by City of Palmerston.
  • Correction of Anomalies in the operation of the rating system.
  • Public Benefit Concession in line with Section 250 of the Local Government Act.

If you have any questions about the application process, contact: 

Rates Team
Council Office: Civic Plaza, 1 Chung Wah Terrace, Palmerston
p: (08) 8935 9961

Eligible NTCS members are entitled to a concession on rates. The City of Palmerston receives a listing from the NT Concession and Recognition Unit of all rate payers that are eligible for a concession at the time of levying rates.

Concessions for eligible members are automatically included on the rate notice.

If a member becomes eligible part way through the rating year they must pay the rates in full, and then contact the NT Concession Scheme for reimbursement on 1800 777 704.

For more information visit Northern Territory Concession Scheme

Payment plans

If you are unable to make either the full or instalment payment by the due date you can request a temporary arrangement by submitting a payment arrangements form. Please note: Interest applies on all overdue balances in accordance with the Local Government Act regardless of any payment arrangement

Financial hardship 

Financial hardship arrangements are available for residential ratepayers in accordance with our Rates Concession Policy.

If you are experiencing financial hardship, apply using our financial hardship form.