Ratepayer Details

This can be found on your rates notice.
I am the


Proposed payment frequency
  • This arrangement is subject to approval by Council. Upon approval confirmation will be provided. 
  • I am aware that this arrangement is valid for the current financial year only and a new arrangement will need to be negotiated outside of this timeframe 
  • In the event that a payment arrangement is not maintained within the agreed terms, the ratepayer must initiate contact with Council immediately to make a revised arrangement. 
  • Failure to adhere to this arrangement may result in an escalation of recovery action without further notice.

Supporting Evidence

Residential Owner - Occupied Properties
Evidence must be uploaded to support your application.
Maximum 5 files.
5 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, webp, png, heif, heics, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx.
Note: we may contact you if we require further supporting evidence or information.



The City of Palmerston complies with the information Privacy Principles contained in the Information Act (NT). These principles protect the privacy of personal information collected and held by Council. Council’s privacy statement is available from the City of Palmerston, Civic Plaza, 1 Chung Wah Terrace, or via our website on www.palmerston.nt.gov.au.