Elected MembersCity of Palmerston Council is made up of the Mayor and seven Councillors, with the Deputy Mayor elected from the existing Councillors.
Mayor Athina Pascoe-BellRe-elected: 2021Athina is focused on good decision making and quality outcomes for Palmerston. Councillor Benjamin Giesecke Re-elected: 2021Ben has an active involvement with the local multicultural community within Palmerston. Councillor Danielle EveleighElected: 2021Dani strives to gain a greater understanding of the needs of the Palmerston community. Councillor Mark FraserElected: 2021Mark believes Palmerston is well placed to capitalise on a number of emerging opportunities. Councillor Amber GardenRe-elected: 2021Amber is looking forward to continuing being a part of a strong voice for the residents of Palmerston. Deputy Mayor Damian HaleRe-elected: 2021Damian believes Palmerston is a young, vibrant, multi-cultural city of enormous potential. Councillor Sarah HendersonRe-elected: 2021Sarah is a member of a range of committees and clubs, continuing to support the community. Councillor Lucy MorrisonRe-elected: 2021Lucy will continue to work towards the beautification of parks, greening the city and lake management.
Mayor Athina Pascoe-BellRe-elected: 2021Athina is focused on good decision making and quality outcomes for Palmerston.
Councillor Benjamin Giesecke Re-elected: 2021Ben has an active involvement with the local multicultural community within Palmerston.
Councillor Danielle EveleighElected: 2021Dani strives to gain a greater understanding of the needs of the Palmerston community.
Councillor Mark FraserElected: 2021Mark believes Palmerston is well placed to capitalise on a number of emerging opportunities.
Councillor Amber GardenRe-elected: 2021Amber is looking forward to continuing being a part of a strong voice for the residents of Palmerston.
Deputy Mayor Damian HaleRe-elected: 2021Damian believes Palmerston is a young, vibrant, multi-cultural city of enormous potential.
Councillor Sarah HendersonRe-elected: 2021Sarah is a member of a range of committees and clubs, continuing to support the community.
Councillor Lucy MorrisonRe-elected: 2021Lucy will continue to work towards the beautification of parks, greening the city and lake management.