
Recycling at home is easy and has many environmental benefits. Your recycling bin with the yellow lid is for recyclable materials only, such as:

  • Steel, aluminium and empty aerosol cans, glass bottles and jars
  • Milk and juice cartons
  • Cardboard, newspapers and magazines
  • Plastics 1-7

Make sure food residue is rinsed off before it goes into the bin. One dirty container can contaminate an entire load and make none of it recyclable.


Mobile phones, laptops, TVs and other eWaste products can be recycled at the Archer Waste Management Facility drop point.

Mobiles and batteries can be dropped off at Civic Plaza and our Library.

Container Deposit Scheme

Eligible containers, including many water bottles, juice bottles and soft drink cans, can be cashed in when taken to an approved NT collection depot. More information on the containers eligible for the 10-cent refund and nearest collection depot is available here.


Composting and worm farming are effective ways to reduce the amount of food waste that goes to landfill and makes a rich, natural fertiliser.

For more information check out our Home Composting Rebate

Test your knowledge

Our online learning module, launched in collaboration with Cleanaway, brings recycling learning to life through an engaging format and accessible format so we can all:

• Simplify the recycling process
• Improve resource recovery
• Reduce the amount of waste going to landfill

Take the online test today! 

Online test