"A thriving community that embraces innovation, fosters growth and provides a supportive environment" Mark Brenton, Local Business Owner
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The Northern Territory Government Building Advisory Services Branch administers the Building Act 1993 and associated building regulations to ensure structures meet minimum standards.
p: (08) 8999 6435 w: Northern Territory Government Building Advisory Services Branch
We are a major landowner within the Palmerston municipality. Land holdings include roads, parks, drainage reserves and residential and commercial land.
We actively encourage developers to consider the added value our owned land may have to their neighbouring development site.
Whether it's for outdoor dining, retail sales or just enhanced open space, we welcome proposals.
Boundary fencing: Enquiries regarding boundary fencing regulations and approvals should be directed to Building Advisory Services on (08) 8999 8985 or by email bas@nt.gov.au.
Pool and spa fencing: Pool fencing laws are administered by the Northern Territory Government. Enquiries regarding pool fencing should be directed to the Pool Fencing Unit on (08) 8924 3641 or you can visit them online.
- We regulate signage throughout Palmerston to prevent signage that detracts from the City's image, or which may obscure other signage.
- Applications can be made in person at Civic Plaza or by contacting Ranger Services: p: (08) 8935 9922 e: palmerston@palmerston.nt.gov.au
- Download our advertising sign code