City of Palmerston is calling on community members to join a Community Reference Group to assist in the development of the City’s first Rating Strategy.

The City of Palmerston Rating Strategy will:

  • Determine a fair method of raising revenue from rates.
  • Ensure that the money raised through rating property owners, in conjunction with other income sources, will guarantee the long-term financial sustainability of the Council; and
  • Ensure that Council has sufficient measures in place to support community groups, pensioners and those suffering from hardship.

City of Palmerston Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell, said the Community Reference Group would inform a Rating Strategy that will provide certainty for the community over the next 10 years.

“The community has sent Council a clear message that they want to be more engaged in Council’s decision-making and we have listened.

Working with Council staff, the Group will play an important role, providing ideas and feedback to ensure we develop a Rating Strategy that will deliver fair outcomes for our community.
To ensure there is appropriate representation from all areas within the Municipality, we are calling for representatives from each suburb, including our industrial areas, Pinelands and Yarrawonga,” she said.
Applications are sought from residents and ratepayers of Palmerston who have a special interest in the future of our growing city and ensuring sustainable outcomes for the community. 

“Having a variety of representatives from across the community will ensure their invaluable insights are appropriately considered and will assist Council in the successful delivery of a Strategy that will lead our decision-making for the next 10 years,” Mayor Pascoe-Bell added.

Successful nominees are expected to attend four facilitated evening meetings held in late September, mid-October and early December 2018. Following this, the developed draft Rating Strategy will be made available for public consultation prior to its adoption by Council.

To be involved in the Community Reference Group or for more information, visit

Applications close 5pm, Wednesday 5 September 2018.

Community Reference Group Meeting Dates
6.00pm Thursday 20 September 2018 
6.00pm Thursday 27 September 2018
6.00pm Wednesday 17 October 2018 
6.00pm Thursday 6 December 2018

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