With increasing numbers of enquiries about operating pop-up businesses and food vans, City of Palmerston is seeking community feedback on the proposal for introducing pop-up dining into Palmerston’s public spaces. 

Pop-up dining is a growing industry that provides a range of benefits to communities. 

Promoting and encouraging community dining, portable meal experiences and pop-up restaurant activities can enhance a community by increasing economic activity and commercial diversity, creating vibrancy, activating public spaces, bringing people into an area and encouraging them to stay there longer.

As part of the community consultation, Council has identified potential initial locations that may be enriched by pop-up dining; 

  • Sanctuary Lakes, Gunn 
  • Marlow Lagoon Recreation Area
  • University Lake in The Heights, Durack 
  • Goyder Square, CBD

“While the street food dining experience is alive and well at the Palmerston Markets on a Friday evening in Goyder Square, Council are looking to build on this popular experience by creating opportunities and supporting pop-up dining experiences on other nights in public spaces throughout Palmerston,” City of Palmerston Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell said. 

“Over the six-week consultation period, Council will consult with local businesses and residents to determine if there is support amongst the community for mobile food vending operators to provide increased dining choices in Palmerston. 

As our community grows and develops, Council will continue to ensure that Palmerston is “A Place for People” by consulting, providing opportunities for our residents and further enhancements to our community’s lifestyle,” she said.

Feedback on the proposal can be submitted at www.palmerston.nt.gov.au, with the consultation open until Friday 2 November 2018.

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