Following its ordinary meeting on Tuesday 15 May, Council has released its draft Municipal Plan 2018-2023 for community feedback.
The Municipal Plan is a key publication for Council, outlining the City of Palmerston's 2018/19 Annual Budget and proposed rates for the upcoming financial year.
City of Palmerston Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell said that over the coming year, Council will focus on renewing relationships with the community and all levels of government, starting with extending public consultation on the Municipal Plan by 7 days to allow the community 28 days to read the plan and have their say.
Highlights of this year’s Budget include:
• NEW Strategic Plan to be drafted this year
• NEW Rating Strategy to be drafted this year
• $6.02 million capital works budget
• $2 million to complete Archer Landfill remediation
• $200,000 to continue solar panel installation on Council buildings
• Doubling in tree planting from $72,000 to $150,000
• $690,000 on road resealing up from $400,000
• $675,000 on new and renewed footpaths and driveways up from $245,000
“Council is facing significant financial sustainability challenges, with a shortfall in Reserves to fund asset replacement and meet unexpected costs.
To ensure a balanced budget and commence rebuilding our savings, Council has proposed a rate increase of 2.9% for the 2018/19 financial year. However, this will be offset by a $20 reduction in the annual Waste Service Charge for 2018/19, which will decrease to $510.
As a result, 64% of ratepayers will not experience an increase in their total bill. The total rates and charges remain at the 2017/18 figure of $1,707 for these ratepayers,” Mayor Pascoe-Bell said.
Council will also release the draft Long Term Financial Plan for 28 days public consultation. This document outlines the challenges Council is facing and how Council will ensure its financial sustainability over the next 10 years.
Copies of the draft Municipal Plan 2018-2023 and Long Term Financial Plan can be viewed:
- Online at
- At Council's customer service desk at Civic Plaza
- At the City of Palmerston Library
Feedback on the draft Municipal Plan 2018-2023 and Long Term Financial Plan are to be submitted in writing to the Chief Executive Officer via the following methods:
- Online at
- Email:
- By post: PO Box 1, Palmerston NT 0831
- In person: Delivered to Council’s Office, 1 Chung Wah Terrace, Palmerston
Submissions close 5pm, Wednesday 13 June 2018.