Student Voice Positive Choice (SVPC) is a collaboration of 10 Palmerston schools that undertake annual student led programs designed to make positive contributions to our community. This year the students chose recycling as the programs focus. As part of the City of Palmerston’s community benefit scheme, the SVPC was awarded with an Environmental Initiative Grant of $7178, to assist in the development of educational recycling bin stickers to deliver the ‘responsible recycling’ message.
Students were asked to design a residential recycling graphic to inspire the community to improve their recycling practices at home. Schools shortlisted their creative entries and the judges had the difficult decision of choosing three overall winners.  
The winning designs will be featured on a ‘Recycle Right’ sticker to be placed on City of Palmerston’s recycling bins and will be delivered via the school community to over 5000 Palmerston households. 
The winners of the Palmerston City Schools SVPC Design competition are:
•    Vidushi Sharma from Gray Primary School
•    Zach Gibbs from Durack Primary School
•    Sophie Malone from Driver Primary School
City of Palmerston is committed to sustainable living and reducing our impact of the environment. Every year City of Palmerston collects an average of 1200 tonnes of waste from kerbside recycling bins. Only 39% of this waste ends up being recycled, as the rest is considered ‘contaminated’. 
One of the most practical and easiest ways to help the environment is to recycle correctly, and Council’s new eye-catching ‘Recycle Right’ bin stickers aim to help residents better understand what items should go in their recycling bin.  
Quotes from Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell
“Residents play an important role in keeping our city beautiful. It is fantastic to see the younger generation leading the way by encouraging everyone to think about their environmental impact and to recycle when they can.  

“It was fantastic to collaborate with Student Voice Positive Choice to educate and foster recycling among young people and their families. The students artwork reinforces the City of Palmerston’s recycling message through their bright, creative designs and we can’t wait to see them around Palmerston.” 

For further information on the Community Benefit Scheme and Environmental Initiative Grants, or to apply for financial support, visit   

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