At last night’s inaugural Council meeting of Palmerston’s tenth Council, the newly elected members took no time in making decisions.  The fresh look Council moved a decision to change their titles from the dated ‘Alderman’ to ‘Councillor’, breaking free of the traditional, and leaning towards a more diverse and inclusive title. 

The Councillors also appointed Councillor Sarah Henderson to become the City’s next Deputy Mayor. Councillor Henderson will be Council’s Deputy Mayor from Wednesday 22 September 2021 to 21 April 2022. 

Elected Members endorsed the terms for the position of Deputy Mayor to be for a period of 206 days, allowing the opportunity for all Councillors to perform the duty. 

On acceptance, Councillor Henderson thanked the Elected Members for their support. 

“I thank my fellow Council members for the nomination and very humbled to undertake my turn as Deputy Mayor for the initial period of Palmerston’s tenth Council. 

I’m delighted to have been re-elected for a second term to continue on from the good work that Council has achieved over the past four years”

“I am looking forward to continuing to serve the community in this new role.”

City of Palmerston Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell congratulated Councillor Henderson on her appointment. 

“On behalf of Council I congratulate Councillor Henderson on her appointment as the upcoming Deputy Mayor. I know she will continue to represent the Palmerston community with great dignity and pride.” 

“I also would like to thank outgoing Deputy Mayor Amber Garden for her support and hard work during her time in the position,” Mayor Pascoe-Bell added. 

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Media Contact
Becky Saywell
0419 824 731