We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

City of Palmerston is excited to announce Hobart Park’s Ninja Obstacle Course is officially open. This innovative project made possible through a funding partnership with the Northern Territory Government, aims to provide a dynamic and engaging recreational space for Palmerston residents promoting health, wellness, and outdoor activity.

The obstacle course includes eight (8) dynamic elements designed to test users’ strength, agility, and problem-solving skills, whilst under shade. From swinging ropes and towering walls to balance beams and hurdles, the park offers a comprehensive and immersive obstacle course suitable for teenagers and young adults alike. The area also hosts a new water bubbler.

Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell encourages residents to use the course, stating, "We want the community to make the most of the exciting Ninja Obstacle Park. Whether you are a seasoned adventurer or new to obstacle courses, this park promises an enjoyable and thrilling experience”.

Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics the Hon Eva Lawler said, “Palmerston is a city for families and this type of investment into equipment that encourages outdoor activity will be of benefit to the whole community”.

The temporary fencing will remain over the next 12 weeks, whilst the grass starts to establish, and we ask the community to please keep to the paths during this time.

For more information about the Ninja Obstacle Park and other recreational facilities in Palmerston, please visit the City of Palmerston's official website at www.palmerston.nt.gov.au