We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

The results from City of Palmerston’s 2023 Community Satisfaction Survey are in and show that we are on the right track in terms of community satisfaction. This year's survey saw the majority of residents expressing favourable views about City of Palmerston, with the results underscoring Council’s commitment to fostering a vibrant and engaged community.

Council would like to thank the community for participating in the survey again this year, and to reiterate that their voices and feedback are at the heart of our continuous improvement journey.

A highlight from this year's survey is the community's strong appreciation for the management and improvement of Palmerston’s lakes.  As a result of the improvements to the lakes, there was an increase in participation in the local fishing competition, ‘Hooked on Palmerston’. Although the competition concludes this month, residents are encouraged to continue to enjoy fishing and utilising Palmerston’s open spaces. 

It was also clear from this year’s survey that the community values the extensive community events on offer. Council continues to deliver exciting free events that are inclusive and accessible, placing a safe and welcoming environment for residents as a priority. Once such event, Palmerston’s Christmas Wonderland, will return again this year, showing Council is committed to upholding this tradition and creating memorable experiences for all.

City of Palmerston Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell, shared her appreciation for the community’s feedback, saying "I am grateful for our community's active participation in the survey and for sharing their valuable feedback. It reinforces the strength of our community spirit and our shared vision for a vibrant Palmerston. We are committed to using this feedback to guide our priorities and decisions to continue making Palmerston an even better place to live, work and play."