We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

City of Palmerston is once again gearing up to celebrate and honour the outstanding individuals and community events that make a positive impact to our community.

Each year Australia Day is acknowledged and includes a special Citizenship Ceremony welcoming the country’s newest residents, as well as presenting the city's very own awards.

City of Palmerston’s Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell said “With our vision for Palmerston being ‘A Place for People’, the Australia Day Awards are the ideal opportunity to acknowledge and recognise the selfless efforts of individuals and groups who actively embrace this vision, and make valuable contributions to our community." 

“If you know of an individual or group that has made a positive impact in Palmerston, please nominate them for these prestigious awards.

A few minutes of your time and a nomination is all it takes to help recognise someone’s great work in 
our community,” she said.

2023 Community Event of the Year winners, Serena Dalton and David Kurnoth, encouraged people to nominate individuals they believe deserved recognition for the work they do in the community.

Dedicated to promoting positive choices for our youth in Palmerston, Serena and David held two reconciliation events which included rich cultural activities, that took place in Reconciliation Week.

Categories for the 2024 Awards are:

•    Citizen of the Year
•    Young Citizen of the Year
•    Community Event of the Year

Nominations close on Friday 10 November 2023. For more information and to nominate online, visit Palmerston Australia Day Awards or contact 8935 9922.

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