We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.


With the official results announced from the Northern Territory Electoral Commission, Palmerston officially begins a new chapter with their tenth council. The composition of the tenth City of Palmerston Council is as follows- 


Elected Members
Damian HALE

Leading the new council, is re-elect her Worship the Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell, who said;

“I’d like to thank all those that nominated for council and congratulate the successful elected members. I’m looking forward to working with my members on completing the delivery of projects such as the Gray Community Hall, Zuccoli Community Hub and the revitalisation of the Palmerston swimming pool.

It’s also an exciting time with a number of initiatives recently being released such as the Inclusive, Diverse and Accessible Framework and the Palmerston Local Economic Plan. These two documents alone stand for the type of community that people want to live in. They will be the basis of many future decisions for council, and I’m really proud of the work that has been done, and what we will be able to deliver for the future of Palmerston.”

The new council will be officially sworn in, taking an Affirmation of Office, at a small but significant ceremony on Tuesday 14 September at the Palmerston Recreation Centre.

To view the final 2021 City of Palmerston Election results please visit, https://ntec.nt.gov.au/elections/2021-local-government-elections/council-information/palmerston
The tenth Council will sit for their first Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday 21 September beginning at 5:30pm at Council Chambers, Civic Centre, 1 Chung Wah Terrace. 

As with all Council meetings, residents and media outlets are encouraged to attend to experience council decision-making processes and to meet and raise any issues with their local representatives.  

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0427 548 014