Local businesses in Palmerston will now pay less to offer alfresco dining for patrons, following Council’s decision to slash outdoor dining fees at its ordinary meeting on Tuesday night. 

It is widely accepted across Australia that an increase in outdoor dining plays a vital role in improving activation and safety within communities. This decision by Council will support existing and encourage new local jobs by incentivising outdoor dining that occurs on Council verges and property, to increase activation and vibrancy associated with outdoor dining. 

From 1 December 2018, the endorsed revised fee structure will move to an annual flat fee of $25.00 for each outdoor dining application within the municipality, which will mean an early Christmas gift of thousands of dollars less in fees for local employers. 

Currently, Council has two outdoor dining categories with different fees:
Class 1: Up to 4 tables/8 seats, with a fee of $25.00 a year; and
Class 2:  All other applications, with a fee of $177.00 per m2 a year

Palmerston cafes and restaurants wishing to introduce outdoor dining can apply for a permit at the new reduced rate from 1 December 2018. Operators currently trading with outdoor dining will be notified of the changes.

Quote from City of Palmerston Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell

“This is a great opportunity to support our local businesses, increase customers and enhance the vibrancy and activity in our city.” 

“With our unique climate where we can enjoy the outdoors all year round, I am confident this proposal will grow our local economy and be a welcome change to not only existing businesses but also as an incentive for new businesses to establish alfresco dining.”