City of Palmerston proposed a permanent off-leash dog exercise area at Maurice Terrace Park. 

A dog exercise area was trialled at the park during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide more spaces for people to take their dogs to exercise off-leash in Palmerston. 

With one permanent off-leash dog park in Palmerston at Marlow Lagoon, Council recognises that Palmerston requires additional dog exercise areas and would like feedback from the community to gauge the level of support for a second off-leash dog park.

The permanent off-leash dog exercise area would also include minimal dog park infrastructure such as dog agility equipment, fencing, water, bins and poo bags and dispensers. 

The Maurice Terrace Park consultation was open for two weeks from Friday 31 July until Friday 14 August 2020.

Following the consultation, a report on the outcomes of the community consultation was prepared for Council to consider.

Maurice Terrace Park Off-Leash Dog Area Consultation Factsheet and Map


Feedback on the Maurice Terrace Park off-leash dog exercise area closed on Friday 14 August 2020, following a two week consultation period.

At its ordinary meeting on Tuesday 1 September 2020, Council approve the development of Maurice Terrace Park, Bakewell to include a permanent off leash dog exercise area as outlined within report entitled Off Leash Dog Exercise Area Maurice Terrace Park Bakewell. Progress on its development can be found here


Project Stages

  • Open This consultation is open for contributions.
  • Under Review
  • Closed This consultation is closed for contributions.