City of Palmerston’s first solar energy project is a step closer with the contract for its design and construction awarded to local Palmerston company, Class A Energy Solutions, following a competitive tender process. 

As part of Council’s sustainability measures, over 300 rooftop photovoltaic (PV) panels will be installed at the City of Palmerston Library. 

The Library was identified as the preferred first PV project for Council, following a review of major Council assets earlier in the year, which took into consideration power consumption, condition of the asset, and installation requirements.

The $100,000 project will deliver a 99 KW System and was funded from the 2017/18 budget. This solar project will offset a substantial amount of power required for running the City Library and reduce carbon emissions. It is anticipated that the system will reduce power costs for the facility by 33%.

Council anticipates the project will be complete and operational by the end of September 2018 and is the first stage of an ongoing solar and renewal energy program to be rolled out across a number of Council facilities. 

City of Palmerston Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell said that implementing this renewable energy initiative will have both financial and environmental benefits for the Palmerston community.

“PV systems are a proven technology for reducing costs and improving environmental outcomes. It is expected to take around five years from installation until savings pay off the initial investment. 

We see this as an opportunity to create savings for our ratepayers and help reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Solar energy is a clean and sustainable source of power, which is good for the environment and will reduce Council’s carbon footprint.

Council plans to continue to implement projects to reduce facility energy costs and demands, with $200,000 included in this year’s budget for that purpose. Consideration will be given to the installation of more systems and energy efficiency measures as part of future budgets,” said Mayor Pascoe-Bell.