City of Palmerston has awarded Riding for the Disabled in the Top End Inc a grant of $7,600 to improve their Marlow Lagoon facility.

Council’s Community Benefit Scheme will allow the non-for-profit organisation to enhance access to their centre and refurbish the outdoor arena.

Riding for the Disabled in the Top End Inc provide opportunities for people of all abilities in the Palmerston area to participate in equestrian and related activities in a safe and supportive environment. 

Their aim is to assist in improving quality of life, achieving personal goals and the development of life skills. This is achieved through the provision of sporting, recreational, therapeutic programs. 

City of Palmerston Mayor congratulates Riding for the Disabled in the Top End Inc on their successful grant application.

“Council ensures the wellbeing of our people is of top priority, and it is a pleasure to assist a local organisation who are committed to making a difference in our community.

“The programs Riding for the Disabled in the Top End Inc deliver embrace diversity and provide equal opportunities for those wanting to participate in equestrian sporting activities right here in Marlow’s Lagoon,” she said. 

Council’s Community Benefit Scheme’s funding includes sponsorships, donations, and grants for community groups as well as scholarships and representation support for individuals.

For further information on the Community Benefit Scheme, or to apply for financial support, visit