City of Palmerston is set to sparkle this Christmas with the city coming to life like never before.

For the very first time, Council will be hosting a free, three-week long program of events and light installations to bring the community together this Christmas.

The iconic Lighting of the Tree event will kick off the festivities with entertainment and activities for the whole family. 

Be greeted on Frances Drive with a spectacular Christmas themed light show installed along the length of the street, creating a magical entry into the city. 

Then, make sure you catch Santa’s Express Train in Goyder Square to experience the very first Palmerston Christmas Wonderland. Take in the spectacular visual displays and free activities all the way to Santa’s Cove where you can meet his magical elves and reindeer. 

Also set to sparkle this Christmas is the Palmerston Swimming and Fitness Centre, Palmerston Recreation Centre and the Palmerston Library where there will be decorations, Christmas lights and Pop-Up Carollers singing their way around all these locations throughout December. 

“It is no secret that 2020 has been a tough year. Many of us will not be seeing our family and friends who live interstate and overseas this Christmas, and it can feel lonely at times. This is why we, as a Council, have decided to extend and adapt our usual festivities to a three-week program across multiple locations,” City of Palmerston Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell said.

The new Christmas in Palmerston is an interactive experience aimed at boosting morale within the community, supporting local businesses in Palmerston by activating spaces, as well as making sure that we are COVID – 19 compliant.”

Santa recently texted City of Palmerston to share his excitement. 

“I can’t wait to ride the Express Train in Goyder Square and meet all the children who have been so good this year,” he said.

Festivities commence on 4 December 2020 with the Christmas Wonderland in Goyder Square opening on 18 December 2020 until 24 December 2020, 5pm to 10pm.  

Council is committed to ensuring compliance with COVID-19 guidelines to keep the community safe. 

For further details on the new Christmas in Palmerston program, go to

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