City of Palmerston is taking steps to protect the safety of our community during the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation.

In line with Australian Government requirements announced on Tuesday 24 March 2020, City of Palmerston will be closing the following facilities from midnight on Wednesday 25 March 2020:

•    Palmerston Library
•    Palmerston Swimming and Fitness Centre.

This is in addition to the following facilities, which have already been closed:

•    Palmerston Recreation Centre
•    YMCA Palmerston Gym
•    Palmerston Library Community Training Rooms
•    Council Community Halls.

The Civic Plaza building will be closed to the public from Thursday 26 March 2020 for Council business. 

The Council Depot, Archer Waste Management Facility and Council pound will continue to operate with social distancing measures to be maintained and enforced.

Waste collection services will continue, with Council investigating ways in which some services can be provided in a different way to suit the circumstances.  

Ordinary Council Meetings will continue using virtual online meeting software. Meeting details and how people can view the meetings will be advertised once finalised. 

Citizenship Ceremonies, Council advisory committee meetings and Ordinary Meeting public forums have been suspended until further notice. 

Council’s approach may change with the situational requirements and this will be under the guidance of the Australian and Northern Territory Governments. 

Updates and details on affected events or services are continuing to be made on Council’s website, and Facebook page.

For information and updates on COVID-19 visit

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