Since the completion of the 2016/17 Annual Report, the Chief Executive Officer, Director of Corporate Services, and the Finance Manager have reviewed the 2017/18 budget including the costs of salaries and benefits for staff at the City of Palmerston.

Their analysis has revealed salary and benefit costs have been underestimated for the last 4 years, with the 2017/18 budget being underestimated by more than $850,000.

“The draft 2 nd Quarter Budget Review on the agenda for the 30 January Council meeting, proposes to address this major concern,” said Official Manager Mark Blackburn.

“I would like to acknowledge the work undertaken by Cathryn Hutton, the Finance Manager and the Finance Team in identifying the troubling major gaps in budgeted salaries and reported end of year results,” added Mr Blackburn.

The draft 2nd Quarter Budget Review has provided the new Senior Management Team the opportunity to present the true costs for salaries and benefits for the 2017/18 year. The recommended Budget Review also sees a drawdown in the Infrastructure Reserve to meet the costs of the planned new capital works projects, minus the planned spend on the multi-storey car park.

“I look forward to handing over a clean slate to the new Council. With a newly appointed, highly qualified CEO and Executive Management Team, the Council is geared to deliver a revised balanced 2017/18 budget.

The Council to be elected in March 2018 can then focus their attention on the development of 2018/19 Municipal Plan. I believe the incoming Council will be in a strong position to make Palmerston a Place for People,” said Mr Blackburn.

Full details of the 2nd Quarter Budget Review can be found on Council’s website,

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