Today the City of Palmerston is launching a six-week rates strategy consultation to seek feedback from all Palmerston ratepayers on the most appropriate rating option for Palmerston from the 2020-2021 financial year.

A rates strategy sets out how rates are calculated for each type of property (residential, rural residential, industrial and commercial). 

Council has been working with a volunteer Community Reference Group (CRG) of 22 Palmerston ratepayers to help decide on the most appropriate way to raise money from rates. Based on the feedback from the CRG, Council has selected three different options for consideration on how rates could be calculated for Palmerston.

The three options are:
•    Option 1: Valuation-based charge with a differential (current model).
•    Option 2: Flat rate for residential, UCV for remaining properties (used before 2015).
•    Option 3: Combination Fixed Rate and UCV Rate.

Palmerston Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell said, “It’s important that the community is given the opportunity to be part of the decision-making process.”

“When this Council was elected in 2018, a commitment was made to address the Community’s concerns about how rates are calculated in Palmerston.” 

“This is an opportunity for all Palmerston ratepayers to have their say and assist Council in adopting a rating strategy that is supported by the community”

Mayor Pascoe-Bell added, “It’s something all ratepayers are passionate about, so we encourage all ratepayers to participate in this consultation.”

Palmerston ratepayers will receive a letter and fact sheet in the mail outlining the consultation and rating options. Council has also created an online calculator on the Council’s website so ratepayers can see how their rates would be affected under each of the three options. 

There are a variety of ways that people can participate in the consultation and provide their feedback:
•    Complete the online survey by following the links on the City of Palmerston website at
•    Request a hardcopy of the survey by contacting True North Strategic Communication at or calling (08) 8981 6445
•    Visit a discussion kiosk to talk to staff

Discussion kiosks will be open at various locations around Palmerston during the consultation period, providing the opportunity for people to ask questions or provide feedback. Details of dates, times and locations are available on the City of Palmerston website at