A new and unique program to the City of Palmerston Library has tails wagging and children reading.

Tales to Tails is a confidence building program aimed at children aged 8-14, who have literacy challenges or are uncomfortable reading aloud. The program gives children the opportunity to practice their reading to a trained therapy dog, building their confidence and helping elevate their literacy skills.

The program has been used in other states across Australia with great success, this is the first time it has been offered in a Northern Territory Library. The sessions, which started in early August, received an overwhelming amount of interest and have now booked out.

Library staff are looking to put on additional sessions and people are encourage to register their interest to the City of Palmerston Library on (08) 8935 9999 or by emailing askus@palmerston.nt.gov.au.

Quote from City of Palmerston Mayor, Athina Pascoe-Bell
“The dogs make great non-judgmental reading partners for children and the Library provides a safe space for them to practice their reading.”

Quote from City of Palmerston Library Assistant Manager, Renee Van Der Poel
“The children enjoy it, the dogs enjoy it and it helps improve reading and literacy skills, it’s a win-win-win situation.”

Quote from Good Dog Social Worker, Hannah Taino-Spick
“The program not only helps the children, but it is also good for the dogs, it exposes them to another spectrum of people and teaches them how to behave properly around children.”

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