Rates constitute a system of taxation. It is assessed against ‘allotments’ which are parcels (or part parcels) of land that are subject to separate ownership, occupation or zoning.

City of Palmerston applies a differential valuation based rate as a proportion of unimproved capital value of each allotment subject to a minimum rate dependent on the Zoning of the allotment.

The waste management fee is calculated on the basis of service delivery costs for providing collection and disposal services to residents. It includes garbage, clean-up and recycling services. Council charges the fixed amount for the waste collection services as an annual charge per allotment of land or where multiple residential units exist on the allotment of land, then the fee times the number of residential units on each allotment.

The funds generated each year from Council rates and charges are used for the provision of appropriate programs and services for the community, for the purpose of governance, and city administration.

Community recreation and amenities
Effective provision, management and maintenance of recreational facilities and amenities to the community such as car parks, public conveniences, parks, gardens and reserves, indoor and outdoor sports facilities and swimming pool, as well as removal of graffiti and repair of vandalism.

Library services
Provide effective delivery of library services to the community, including the management of the Council’s local history collection, acquire and manage high quality book stock and reference material, upgrading facilities where appropriate, provide public internet access, and initiatives to increase library usage.

Environmental services and waste management
Supporting and advocate activities promoting environment awareness and education in the community. Support for initiatives encouraging the use of renewable energy. Provide effective collection and disposal of domestic waste and green waste, collect recyclable litter, and administer the Archer Waste Transfer Station.

Community support
Provision of support advocacy programs and initiatives in support of the community, including the Healthy Communities, youth development, and seniors programs. Support for community and regional groups, events and committees, Australia Day celebrations, perform naturalism ceremonies, and administer the Community Grants Scheme, festivals and events.

Economic development
Development and implementation of Council’s Central Business District Master Plan and other city planning initiatives, and works and planning related to Subdivisions.

Effectively provide appropriate support services and governance training to Elected Members, conduct civic receptions, promote and support voter participation, conduct Council elections every 4 years, conduct Council meetings, benchmarking activities, disaster recovery, ensure legislative compliance and good governance, corporate planning and reporting, performance management, WHS and risk management.

Roads and infrastructure
Provide and effectively manage Council infrastructure assets such as bridges, bike and footpaths, kerbing, roadside verges, sealed roads, stormwater infrastructure, floodplain management, street lighting, lawns and trees etc. Maintain Council plant and machinery, carry out construction and maintenance activities of assets.

Regulatory services
Administer by-laws, support emergency services, provide effective control and regulation of dogs, infringements.

Council administration
Provide Council operations with effective administration and support services, including financial management, public relations, customer services, plant management, human resources, training and development, information technology, payroll, workplace health and safety, rates administration, and records management.

Council posts rate notices by 31 August each year to your registered postal address.

If you are uncertain that your postal address is correct, please contact us on (08) 8935 9933.

If your postal address has changed recently please inform Council about the change in writing, or submit this form here.

Payment of rates is either by full payment by September each year or four approximately equal amounts in the months of September, November, January and March. View the current financial years dates.

See your rates notice for available payment options.

If a ratepayer decides to pay by instalments and defaults in payment of any instalment by the due date, all remaining instalments become immediately due and payable (refer to Section 244 of the Local Government Act) and will be known as “Rates in Arrears”.

In accordance with the provisions of Northern Territory Local Government Act, Section 245, Rates in Arrears will be subject to daily interest. Council may involve a debt collection agency and take legal actions in order to recover arrears of rates. Debt recovery costs will be charged on the assessment and therefore will be a cost to the ratepayer not to the community.

If you are having difficulty paying your rates and charges account you may enter into a payment arrangement with Council to make alternative payment schedules with no recovery action being taken while the arrangement is being maintained. Please note interest charges will still apply.

To enter into a payment agreement with Council, please visit Council's office during business hours or contact the Rates Team at:
p: (08) 8935 9933
e: rates@palmerston.nt.gov.au

City of Palmerston receives a listing from the NT Concession and Recognition Unit of all the ratepayers eligible for concession at the time of levying the rates. The rebate is deducted from the rate notice.

If a member becomes eligible part way through the rating year they must pay the rates in full to Council and then contact the NT Concession Scheme to obtain a refund.

p: 1800 777 704
Palmerston Community Care Centre: 8999 3344

You must notify Council in writing within 28 days of change of postal address for rate correspondence.

Please complete change of address form and return to Council:
PO Box 1, Palmerston NT 0831
f: (08) 8935 9900
e: rates@palmerston.nt.gov.au

If you receive mail addressed to your address but it is not for you or anyone who uses the address, simply mark it as 'return to sender - unknown at this address' and place the item in a red street posting box or hand it to staff at any post office for return.

Please note: If you are receiving mail for a previous tenant Australia Post must continue to deliver that mail as addressed unless the previous tenants submits a mail redirection request or updates their address details directly with the sender/s.

If the mail is addressed to a different address and has been delivered to you incorrectly, simply place the item in a red street posting box or hand it to staff at any post office. In this case, there is no need to write anything on the envelope.

If this is a regular or ongoing issue, please contact Australia Post so they can investigate.

You will need to complete the appropriate paperwork from the Land Titles Office which can be found by following the below mentioned link. Titles Office will then inform City of Palmerston that a change of name has occurred.

Land Titles Office Darwin
Nichols Place, corner Cavenagh & Bennett Streets, Darwin
GPO Box 3021, Darwin NT 0801
p: (08) 8999 6520
f: (08) 8999 6239
e: AGD.RegistrarGeneral@nt.gov.au

Please contact us on (08) 8935 9961 or email: rates@palmerston.nt.gov.au to confirm your mailing address and ownership details. Once all details have been confirmed you are able to request a copy of your rate notice.

On confirming details of your own property we are able to give you the name and postal address to contact the owner of the adjoining property.

You will need to contact Power & Water direct by phone: 1800 245 090 or visit one of their offices to arrange for any connection or to pay your bill.