Building on Palmerston's tech savvy community, Council is taking advantage of NBN coverage and high rates of smart phone usage by adopting a Digital Strategy which identifies that enabling social value through technology is critical for the future of Palmerston.
Project information
The Smart Cities project focuses on using smart technology to make our community safer and more liveable.
The program will address overcoming Palmerston’s growth challenges and capturing innovative opportunities, with a focus on crime and antisocial behaviour; delivering more efficient community-based services; providing greater transparency and accountability and contribute to a more sustainable Palmerston.
- Reduce crime and antisocial behaviour, through smart technology (such as CCTV and smart LED technologies) to deter and provide support to policing entities.
- To continue to build on our existing CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) principles to address better lighting in crime hotspots, to provide a deterrent for criminal behaviour and to provide better visibility to police.
- Contribute to sustainability and environmental resources by monitoring, optimising and enhancing service delivery for water resources.
- Enhance community services through the delivery of more effective and efficient services.
- Enhance engagement with the community through online services, electronic forms, apps and data availability.
- Improve waste management service delivery through effective and efficient monitoring and collection.
- Establish an open data portal publication catalogue and enable regional innovation opportunities.
- Extend transparency and accountability of Council business to the community through open data.
- Enhance community engagement through a smart city platform, open data portal and engagement opportunities throughout the program.
Target outcomes in line with Council’s Digital Strategy
- Safe and Sound: deliver a safer community
- Connect and Enable: not connected is not an option
- Interact and Engage: facilitate better outcomes for the community
Cost and duration
$2 million over 18 months.
$1 million - funding secured from the Australian Government Smart Cities and Suburbs Program
$500,000 - in principle support from the Northern Territory Government
$500,000 - committed from City of Palmerston
- Fighting crime and anti-social behaviour, including information sharing with the Northern Territory Police
- Efficient waste management
- Environment sustainability
- Better engagement with the community
- Position Palmerston as the Territory's e-City
- Facilitates regional collaboration
- Scalable project (elements can be developed and rolled out over time)
Current status
Current progress of works include but is not limited to: establishing the probity framework; updating the Project Management Plan; defining success criteria.
Major project works commenced in August 2019 and were completed by June 2020.
Item | Expected completion dates |
Establishment of management and probity framework plans | Completed April 2019 |
Establishment of the Smart Cities Advisory Committee | Completed May 2019 |
Installation of Smart Waste Bins at Marlow Lagoon (2), Sanctuary Lakes (2), Goyder Square (2) and Civic Plaza (1) | Completed July 2019 |
Submission of the first Smart Cities Milestone Report | Completed July 2019 |
Installation of public Wi-Fi
Installation of Smart Waste Sensors | Completed October 2019 |
Carparking payment app PayStay | Completed August 2020 |
Installation of Environmental Sensors | Completed June 2020 |
Procurement of Smart Data Platform | Completed March 2020 |
Smart precinct upgrade of Sanctuary Lakes
| Completed March 2020 |
Design and installation of additional and upgrade of CCTV cameras | Completed March 2020 |
Open data platform and central data hub | Completed May 2020 |
Installation and API data customisation of Smart Cities Platform | Stage 1 Completed June 2020 |
Finalisation of funding agreement requirements | Completed June 2020 |
Photos below left to right: CCTV and LED lights in Goyder Square, smart digital signage, e-gaming, youth events such as Geekfest, smart waste management