Our library provides access to many services including home library services, internet access, mobile printing and scanning, help with technology, and access to a Justice of the Peace.
With the help of our staff and volunteers, the home library service provides materials to Palmerston residents who are unable to access the library in person. To apply for this service, please contact the library.
phone: (08) 8935 9999
email: library@palmerston.nt.gov.au
We have 13 computers and three laptops you can use for up to one hour for free. If you have your own device, we have a charging bar available to recharge your laptop, phone or tablet - all for free.
There is also free wireless internet available through City of Palmerston WiFi.
The library has printing and scanning services available for public use. You can even send your printing requirements remotely to collect from library later. Fees apply.
To send documents remotely download the free princh app, or click here for one time use, upload your document for print and send it off. You can then collect and make payment from the library at your convenience.
Our library staff can also help you get tech savvy! For hints and tips on navigating your way around Microsoft Office, the internet, a particular website or even social media, you can ask our friendly library staff for help.
Whether you bring your own laptop, smart device, or if you are using the library computers, our staff are here to help, just pop by - no bookings required.
This service is a collaboration between the library and Justice of the Peace (JP) volunteers. A JP service is available on Mondays from 10am-2pm, Wednesdays from 9am-1pm and Fridays from 10:30am-2pm.
Bookings are not required, however please phone ahead to confirm the JP attendance.