We are a referral authority for development proposed in Palmerston, including rezonings, subdivisions and new commercial, industrial, and residential buildings.
As a referral authority, we provide advice and comments to the consent authority about matters important to Palmerston and may specify conditions to be included in development approvals.
Our involvement in the development assessment process ensures our assets, interests and preferred design outcomes are considered in the decision-making process.
More information about the development assessment process can be found here.
NT subdivision development guidelines
The NT Subdivision Development Guidelines apply to new subdivisions in Palmerston, providing the technical framework for the design and construction of new public infrastructure.
NT planning scheme 2020
The NT Planning Scheme. (NTPS) 2020 provides policies and development provisions that guide land use and development in the NT.
Waste management guidelines
Our Waste Management Guideline is applicable to most new residential, industrial and commercial developments in Palmerston.
Palmerston advertising signs code
Information about the types of signage allowed throughout Palmerston, and where a permit may be required is outlined in our advertising signs code