Dog owner information
Do you authorise City of Palmerston to disclose your contact information to third parties for animal management and relocation purposes, to assist in the prompt return of your dog?
Do you provide permission to be contacted via email or SMS in matters relating to your dog/s or registrations?
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, webp, png, heif, heics.
Secondary Contact

This may assist in the safe return of your dog.

Your dogs information
Is your dog de-sexed
If the dog is de-sexed please provide the relevant supporting documentation when submitting this form
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, doc, docx, pdf.
Please upload a copy of the registration certificate.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, jpeg, png, doc, docx, pdf.
At what address is the dog usually kept at?
Has the dog previously been or is it currently a Declared Dangerous Dog in any other municipality?
Has the dog been involved in any dog attack/menace incident?
Important Information
  • When upon a public place the animal is to be under the control of a competent person, and there is a requirement for the dog to be retained by leash, cord, chain or similar device.
  • It is requested that your dog wears its current identification tag issued by City of Palmerston to help assist in its return if your dog becomes lost.
  • If the dog owner is under the age of 17, a parent or guardian must sign this form as a joint owner.
  • A person who is registering the dog on behalf of its owner is required to show that authority in writing and attach a copy to this application.
Sign above
The Registrar may refuse the registration of an animal pursuant to By-Law 7 (3). Owners of an animal that the Registrar has refused registration of, will be notified in writing and their money refunded. Such an animal must be removed from the municipality.