Calling all Geeks, Creators, and Innovators!

Are you ready to be part of the ultimate celebration of all thing’s geek? GeekFest Top End 2025 is fast approaching; we’re on the lookout for passionate organisations and businesses that want to share their passion. Whether you're a food vendor, an activity provider, or would like to share anything geeky, we want you to get involved!

Held as part of the Palmerston Youth Festival, the event celebrates all things geek culture from cosplay competitions, special guests, laser tag, medieval land, performances, and E-sports competitions in Palmerston.

We’re open to all ideas—if you’ve got something unique or exciting to bring to the table, we’d love to hear from you! There is no idea is too big or too small! Join us as we create an unforgettable experience full of creativity and fun.

Opportunities include:

  • Food Vendors: Serve up something delicious for our attendees!
  • Geek Culture Activity Providers: Help us keep everyone entertained and inspire the next generation of innovators.
  • Merchandise Stalls: Bring your geek-themed products to the masses.
  • Exhibition, Art or Hobby Stalls: Share your artistic creations and hobbies with fellow enthusiasts.

Expressions of interest close: Monday 14 April 2025

To find out more about the opportunities available, email 

Select your service type
Contact details


  • proposal
  • costs
  • public liability insurance
  • menu
  • Registration of a food business
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Do you require access to power?
If Yes, what type?
Do you require Internet?
Do you require access to grey waste?

Event Information

Operating Times - All sites are to be fully operational from 5 pm to 10 pm. Activities and or stalls are not to be packed up or closed prior to 10 pm.

Insurance - All exhibitors must hold current public liability insurance for the event. Please forward a copy of your Certificate of Currency with your application.

Environmental Health - Any business that sells food in the Northern Territory must be registered with the Northern Territory Government - Department of Health. Please include your food registration certificate with your application. No single-use plastics, please.

Vehicles and Traffic Management - All vehicles are to be removed from the event site by 4 pm and no vehicle movement will be permitted within the event zone until 10:15 pm.

Ochre Cards - All staff and volunteers providing or supervising activities at the event must hold a valid NT Working with Child Clearance (Ochre Card). Food Vendors are not required to hold Ochre Cards. More information on Ochre Cards can be found at please wear it on a lanyard on the day.

Power - All electrical equipment must be tested and tagged.

Gas and Fire- All gas bottles must be fitted with safety valves and stored appropriately. All food vendors with deep fryers must be fitted with fire extinguishers and a fire blanket.

Equipment All -Exhibitors must provide their own equipment (including but not limited to shade structures, lighting, power cords and power cord covers, trestle tables and chairs) for the operation of their stall or activity at Geekfest Top End.