We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

Following NT Worksafe’s Media Release today about City of Palmerston accepting an enforceable undertaking in relation to a 2020 incident involving the capsize of an amphibious weed harvester, City of Palmerston remains strongly committed to protecting the health and safety of its workers and the community.

City of Palmerston Chief Executive Officer, Luccio Cercarelli, said ‘City of Palmerston always has and will continue to prioritise the health and safety of its employees, the public and contractors.’ He said, ‘We will continue to cooperate and collaborate with NT Worksafe in ensuring we apply the highest safety standards to our operations in the lakes management space and more broadly across the organisation.’

Since the incident, extensive Work Health and Safety training has occurred within the organisation, and new safety management plans, policies and procedures have been implemented to further improve City of Palmerston’s safe work systems.

Mr Cercarelli said, ‘We have implemented all the recommended strategies and procedures as outlined by NT Worksafe and are now committed to delivering the activities identified in the enforceable undertaking in good faith and the interests of our staff and community’.

Media contact: 08 8935 9922 or media@palmerston.nt.gov.au