The community have voted, and the City of Palmerston’s weed harvesters are officially named Munchie and Scoopy-Doo! Congratulations to Chloe (aged 8) and Elise (aged 12) for the winning name ideas (pictured attached with the Mayor).

The kids of Palmerston gave it their all, with over 40 suggested name entries. There were some quirky and creative ideas which gave the Elected Members the very difficult job of shortlisting the entries down to just 10. The top 10 names were then voted on by the public and received over 240 votes in total. It was a very close contest, and it was great to see so much participation from the community.

The community will now be able to identify Munchie and Scoopy-Doo when they are on the lakes as Council continues to clean them of Salvinia. The newly named harvesters are part of a multi-faceted approach to keeping Palmerston’s lakes clean.

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