City of Palmerston are proud to be the winner of the Planning Institute Australia President’s Award for the development of its Community Plan.

In partnership with DemocracyCo, Council stepped outside of usual approaches to community planning, and empowered and entrusted a group of 40 community members to create the Community Plan.

A diverse group of community members were consulted, including young people, families, Indigenous communities, senior citizens, multicultural communities, and people of different economic and educational backgrounds.

This inclusive plan demonstrates a unique understanding and acknowledgement of the needs and aspirations of the people of Palmerston.

Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell thanks the community for their contribution towards winning this award.

“Council is committed to creating and maintaining a positive relationship with our diverse community and we wanted to ensure this plan was written by, and for the people of Palmerston.

I hope they share our pride and excitement in winning this National Planning Award,” she said.

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