We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

City of Palmerston acknowledges and celebrates members of the community that are always going above and beyond. Each year Australia Day is acknowledged and includes a special Citizenship Ceremony welcoming the country’s newest residents, as well as presenting the city's very own Australia Day Awards. 
It is now time to put forward nominations for these prestigious awards, and to ensure recognition is given to those that deserve it. City of Palmerston values the contribution that community members make towards a brighter and better future, keeping the vision 'A Place for People', alive. The city would like to acknowledge the selfless efforts of individuals and groups within the community, who embrace this vision.

City of Palmerston’s Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell encourages nominations for all three categories in the 2022 ceremony, which include ‘Citizen of the Year’, ‘Young Citizen of the Year’ and ‘Community Event of the Year’.
“The Australia Day Awards are a proud tradition for the City of Palmerston and provides us with an official opportunity to publicly acknowledge and thank those who make such a valuable contribution to our community.” 
“All it takes is a few minutes of your time to fill out a nomination form to help recognise someone’s great work in the community.” 
If you know of an individual or community organisation that has made an outstanding, positive impact in Palmerston, please nominate them for these prestigious awards. 
2021 saw an extensive list of acts of kindness, particularly throughout the youth and community services areas. Everyone of all ages is encouraged to think about who has helped them this year. Who or what has made a difference in your life in 2021?
Nominations can be made on Council’s website, and will close 26 November 2021.
Award winners will be announced at City of Palmerston’s Australia Day ceremony, held on 26 January 2022 at the Palmerston Recreation Centre.   
Nominations can be made online here

For more information, visit www.palmerston.nt.gov.au  

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Media Contact

Becky Saywell – 0427 548 014