The third and final round of the myPalmerston discount voucher scheme ended yesterday afternoon.

Round 3 saw over 11,000 customers and more than 90 businesses participating in the scheme, injecting $495,452 into Palmerston businesses since launching three weeks ago.
The top three businesses for this round were:
• Lakim Butcher with 560 vouchers
• Golden Nails with 480 vouchers
• Covai Café with 422 vouchers

City of Palmerston Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell praises Territorians for continuing to support and shop locally.

“I want to thank everyone who registered and actively participated in the myPalmerston voucher scheme. With your assistance the scheme has injected over $1.2 million into our local economy since October.”

“It is incredibly rewarding to have provided extra support to over 90 registered business, and 11,000 customers, during the trying times that have accompanied COVID-19 and the economic recovery that follows.” The Mayor said.

Local business owner, Raju Dhamodaran shares their successful myPalmerston experience.

“We are glad to be part of a community that supports each other during difficult times. We are extremely thankful to our customers and City of Palmerston for assisting local businesses. This scheme has been a huge boost to local businesses. We are in this together,” Covai Café owner states.

Over the entirety of the scheme, Palmerston’s Wicked NRG had the highest number of vouchers redeemed, with their loyal customers using myPalmerston more than 1300 times.

City of Palmerston thank the Northern Territory Government for their partnership to deliver the successful myPalmerston initiative.

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