We are aware of delivery issues in our mowing and landscaping contract areas, and are working to improve this with additional resources as soon as possible.

Please note there may be some further delays due to expected wet weather.

City of Palmerston’s recreational catch and release barramundi competition is proving to be a hit, with one thousand Top End fishers registering in a matter of weeks.

Amongst the 1000 registrations, there have been 44 barramundi caught and released at Marlow Lagoon, Durack Lakes and Sanctuary Lakes.

City of Palmerston Mayor Athina Pascoe-Bell said that the competition had already been successful in creating an active community and providing families with a fun and engaging outdoor activity. 

“It is fantastic to see so many families spending quality time together and enjoying our beautiful lakes here in Palmerston”, the Mayor said.

Alderman Lucy Morrison joins the Mayor in applauding the community for their enthusiastic support of, and participation in Hooked on Palmerston.

“We are thrilled to see the community taking part in this competition. One thousand registrations already is quite impressive!”.

“It’s important that we all spend more time outdoors to stay healthy, so I urge parents to take their kids out to wet a line and at the same time, educate them on safe fishing practices,” said Alderman Morrison.

The competition is open to all ages and will run until Wednesday 30 June 2021, providing plenty of time to tackle a tagged barramundi, or even a monstrous metery. There are multiple ways to win including a monthly and bi-monthly draw for tagged and non-tagged fish and just by being registered in the competition.

September winners Ayden Puckett, Brian Moore, Manap Lay, and Ryan Jackson were awarded with a gift voucher of their choice to spend at a local Palmerston business. As anticipated, multiple winners opted to shop at BCF (Boating Camping Fishing) Palmerston, eager to buy further fishing supplies.

This initiative is part of Council’s commitment to improving lifestyle, well-being and health to create ‘A Place for People.’

For further information and to register for Hooked on Palmerston, visit www.palmerston.nt.gov.au 

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